Friday, February 19, 2010

the Area-wide Game Day is tomorrow!

Area-wide Game Day @UniversityCoC.  Feb. 20.  2-5PM.

I just bought 8 brand new dodgeballs... that's something to get excited about!

Not a fan of dodgeball?  Don't worry, there will be more to choose from!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mardi Gras

This weekend we're celebrating Mardi Gras at the Faktor's.  Saturday, Feb. 13th.  We'll gather there at 4PM.  Enjoy some food.  And catch the parade as it passes by!  Make sure you dress warm.  Guys bring drinks.  Girls bring desserts (or chips).

Let me know if you need directions!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Uplift Application and Medical Release Form 2010

Click here to download form.

This must be turned into me with your $90 deposit to sign up and register for Uplift (June 12-17).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Super Bowl XLIV Party

Super Bowl 44 is upon us!  Join the party this Sunday, Feb. 7th in the FLC.  We'll have everything we need to cheer and boo for the lucky teams competing.  The game starts at 5:25PM so get here by 5 to get your choice of seating!

Saints?  Colts?  Who are you rooting for??

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