Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I wanted to make everyone aware of this awesome deal this Summer.

Holiday Lanes is allowing kids to bowl free all Summer. Here is a snippet from their site:

Kids Bowl Free Summer Program
This program is designed to give back to the community and provide a safe, secure, and fun way for kids to spend time this summer.

Families that register will receive coupons valid for Two Free Bowling Games each day sent to their email address every Sunday morning from May 10 until the conclusion of the program, September 12, 2010. Children, ages 19 and under, are eligible to register for 2 free games a day, all summer long.

To register go to Enter your information and your children's names. I thought this was pretty cool. You could get LOTS of bowling in this Summer! It seems worth signing up even if you only went once.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Senior Sunday and Celebration

It's that time of year again...

School is quickly coming to an end.  Summer is quickly approaching.  Seniors are about to graduate and go off to college!

Hopefully it's not news to anyone that Senior Sunday is May 2nd.  There will be a special time set aside during the morning worship to honor the seniors.  We'll get a glimpse into their life through a picture slideshow as well.

That night, from 5-7PM in the small auditorium, is when we'll celebrate with them.  We'll chow down on food catered by Don Juanz.  We'll have a video presentation to cover anything we might have missed.  And we'll have an open mic time for sharing stories, saying goodbye, or just saying we'll miss them!

Hope that all of you can make it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Paintball Frenzy

UPDATE: Everyone also needs to fill out a waiver for paintball.  It is available on their site.  Students and parents both have to sign it.

Paintball - Saturday, April 17th

Meet at Airline at 8:30AM.  We will be playing paintball with University, Southern Hills, and Minden.  $30 covers lunch, equipment, and 500 paintballs.  $20 if you have your own equipment (including mask).  Sign-up list is in the teen room.  We'll return to Airline at 4:30PM.

This is at Off Limits Paintball.  You can check out their website for more details.

Anyone can come, just make sure you have a medical release form filled out.  

Remember, the first game is against the other youth groups so bring your A game.  

Any other questions?  Just email me.

Don't forget to follow @airlinestudents on Twitter for updates and pictures during events!

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