UPDATE: Make sure your t-shirt size is on the sign up list if you want a t-shirt. Bring $5 for your shirt on Sunday. If I don't have your size or your money then I will not have a shirt for you.
Red River Rake is this Sunday (Dec. 5th)!
Deadline to sign up is tomorrow, December 1st. If you are not on the list by tomorrow night, you will not have a seat on Sunday. This counts as a service credit.
*Anyone is welcome to join us. We will be carpooling with adult drivers.
Missed anything?
Leaving after church so bring a change of clothes.
Bring money for lunch.
Area-wide at 5:00PM.
Back at Airline by 9:30PM
Red River Rake is this Sunday (Dec. 5th)!
Deadline to sign up is tomorrow, December 1st. If you are not on the list by tomorrow night, you will not have a seat on Sunday. This counts as a service credit.
Details, details:
- Bring your rakes, gloves, etc. Anything you have to help.
- You need to bring a change of clothes to church. You will be raking in these. It will be cold so dress accordingly. Watch the weather!
- We will eat together after church so bring money to eat.
- After we eat, we will rake!
- We will make 4 or 5 stops.
- We will head to University CoC by 4:45PM for the area-wide.
- We will eat dinner there and be done by 9:00PM.
- Therefore, we will be back at Airline by 9:30PM.
*Anyone is welcome to join us. We will be carpooling with adult drivers.
Missed anything?
Leaving after church so bring a change of clothes.
Bring money for lunch.
Area-wide at 5:00PM.
Back at Airline by 9:30PM