Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Red River Rake 2010

UPDATE: Make sure your t-shirt size is on the sign up list if you want a t-shirt.  Bring $5 for your shirt on Sunday.  If I don't have your size or your money then I will not have a shirt for you.

Red River Rake is this Sunday (Dec. 5th)!
Deadline to sign up is tomorrow, December 1st.  If you are not on the list by tomorrow night, you will not have a seat on Sunday.  This counts as a service credit.

Details, details:
  1. Bring your rakes, gloves, etc.  Anything you have to help.
  2. You need to bring a change of clothes to church. You will be raking in these. It will be cold so dress accordingly. Watch the weather!
  3. We will eat together after church so bring money to eat.
  4. After we eat, we will rake!
  5. We will make 4 or 5 stops.
  6. We will head to University CoC by 4:45PM for the area-wide.
  7. We will eat dinner there and be done by 9:00PM.
  8. Therefore, we will be back at Airline by 9:30PM.

*Anyone is welcome to join us.  We will be carpooling with adult drivers.  

Missed anything?
Leaving after church so bring a change of clothes.
Bring money for lunch.
Area-wide at 5:00PM.
Back at Airline by 9:30PM

Form for submitting Questions online

Some of you asked for an online form to submit questions so here it is.  We will begin answering questions next week.

We will take 1 or more Wednesday nights to answer your questions. There will be a panel of people that will be answering questions to the best of their knowledge. I will not guarantee that every question will be answered but do not let that keep you from asking! Don't ever be afraid to ask questions. 

Remember, these questions are about church, theology, God, beliefs, doctrine, religions, Jesus, the Bible, communion, worship, etc. Make sure you put your name if you want us to know who asked or if you think we might need more clarification. That way we can contact you. You can ask up to three questions on this form. If three is not enough, submit your first three and then click on the link again.

Please be as clear and specific as your question allows.

Click this link to access the form:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pictures from Fall Retreat 2010

The pictures from the Fall Retreat are now on Facebook.  If you have anymore you can add them too!

It was a great weekend and we are all better equipped to survive Zombie Attacks!  Rusty and Joel did an excellent job leading us in thought and in worship.  We are grateful for their time and energy put into making the weekend a success.  Thanks to all of those that came and for the adults that helped out.  We couldn't have done it without you!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fall Retreat Times & Packing List

How to Survive a Zombie Attack

Fall Retreat 2010
Meet at the church at 7:30AM on Saturday, November 13
We'll be back at church at 3:00PM Sunday, November 14
Bring money for fast food lunch on the way back.

Packing List
Bedding/Sleeping bag/pillow
Clothes to play games (kickball, zip line, capture the flag)
Jacket (It looks like it could be much colder this year!)
Money for fast food on our way back Sunday

I'll keep on eye on the weather for the weekend.  Hopefully it will be rain-free but I will try to keep everyone posted.

We are only staying ONE night and will load our luggage in the vans with us so don't over pack.  :)
We're down to the wire!  Your money was due last Wednesday.  I still need A LOT of forms and money.  Get this stuff turned in ASAP.  Don't forget you need a service credit too!  Most of you have done well with this.  Keep it up!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Names of God and speaking schedule

Sunday mornings we have been studying the Names of God.  When you know someone well you know their name and you know their nicknames.  Throughout the Bible and especially the Old Testament, God has many names.  The more we know and understand these names, the better we will know God.

We've spent three or four Sundays on this and now we're changing it up a little.  We're still learning about the names of God but we're going to be hearing from each other now!

Last Sunday, those present had an opportunity to select a name of God from a big list.  They could choose their favorite name, a cool name, or just close their eyes and pick one.  Then they signed up for a day to present.  There will about 5 students presenting every week through the beginning of December.

*Some people were not present when we chose names.  There will be another opportunity to choose names on the Sundays to follow.  

This is the tentative schedule (with a week off while we're at the Fall Retreat):
November 7:
Payne F. - Adonai
Taja M. - El Emet
Rachel M. - El
Demetria R. - Yahweh Shalom
Dalton V.  - Elah Sh'maya

November 21:
Drew B. - Father
Brandon S. - I AM
Caleb B. - Elohay Kedem
Shelbi C. - Yahweh O'saynu

November 28:
Melissa G. - Yahweh Shalom
Caitlin G.  - El Shaddai
Hannah C. - Yahweh
Hannah B. - Qanna
Kylie R. - Immanu El

December 5:
Lawson S. - Elah Yisrael

Remember: If anyone needs some help don't hesitate to ask.  If you're having trouble finding where it's located in the Bible, I can tell you.  

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fall Retreat Money Due Nov. 3rd

This serves as a reminder that your money is due for the Fall Retreat this Wednesday, November 3.  Make sure you turn in your $70.

Check back later this week for a schedule and packing list for the Fall Retreat.

If you're having a problem getting funds for the Retreat, let me know ASAP.  We can work something out.  I want you to be able to go!

Area-wide at Minden

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Area-wide at Minden Church of Christ.
November 7.  5:30 - 7:30PM.

Meet at Airline at 4:30PM.  We'll be back by 8:15PM.  This is in place of our normal Sunday night gathering.

We'll play games, have a devotional, and share a meal together!  This is always a great time to hang out with other students.  Let me know you're coming by November 3rd so they know how much food to prepare.  Thanks!

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