Sunday, January 30, 2011

Readings for Jan 30-Feb 5

Readings for Jan 30-Feb 5

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Readings for Jan 23-29

Readings for Jan 23-29

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bible in a Year Update

We are currently on day four of the Reading Plan.  This is the schedule through Saturday.

If you still want to get on board and read with us, there's plenty of time.  Add your name to this list so we know who's reading with us.  Remember you can read more than the suggested amount!  I know some people are already in Exodus!  Keep it up guys!

A change of plans

I understand that the economy is still not in good shape.  I also understand that we have many obligations in our day-to-day lives be it work, family, or church.

There was originally scheduled a trip to the YCMA of the Rockies in Colorado during Spring Break.  This trip has been cancelled.  After much prayer and thought it was decided that the fruit from this trip will likely not outweigh the cost and planning.  We would be wise to put our efforts toward a mission trip during the Summer where service to others is the main goal.  This produces learning experiences which will benefit all for longer and have a greater impact, not only on those who participate but those whom we serve as well.

This is much easier on the pocketbook and much more rewarding.  Mission trips also allow for fundraising so that the strain on any one family is not too great.

I thank you for your understanding and if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bible in a Year

In case you haven't heard, we're going to be reading the Bible together this year.  Our planned start date is January 15.  I know that's not the beginning of the week but it's [kind of] the middle of the month.  It only takes about 15 minutes a day to do this.  Make sure you sign the list if you're reading so that everyone knows who is participating.  This will keep us accountable and help us all achieve our goal.

The reading plan can be accessed any time by following this link: Bible in a Year Reading Plan.

I will do my best to post weekly updates containing the current week's readings.  You can find these here on the blog, in the email update, and on Twitter or Facebook.

Parents, I strongly encourage you to read along too.  This is a journey that we are embarking on.  We'll be looking at the same passages and experiencing some of the same questions and answers together.  This will help create and nurture conversations.  I don't want anyone to miss out.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winterfest 2011 Schedule

Winterfest is this weekend!  Below is the schedule.  Remember to pack warm and bring your Bible.  Bring money for four meals while we are there.  If you haven't paid yet, you still have time.  Please get your money in.  Jeff Vines will be speaking.  He is the author of Dinner with Skeptics.

Friday, January 14, 2011
3:30PM  Meet at Airline!  Be ready to go!
7:30PM  Michael Jr.
8:30PM  Worthy of Praise -- James Waugh
9:10PM  Praise -- WORTHY
10:00PM Close
10:15PM Sixteen Cities Concert

Saturday, January 15, 2011
9:00AM  Praise -- WORTHY
10:00AM From Atheist to Believer--Lee Strobel
11:00AM Worthy of Faith -- Jeff Walling
12:00PM Close (Lunch & Free Time on your own)
3:00PM   Students--Just Say Yes; Adults--Joe Beam
4:00PM   Unbound, Gaither, Sarah, & Lifeline
6:00PM   Break
7:00PM   321 Improv
8:00PM   Praise -- WORTHY
9:00PM   Worthy of My Life -- Jeff Walling
10:00PM Close

Sunday, January 16, 2011
8:00AM   Praise -- WORTHY; Communion:
                 Worthy of My All -- Mike Cope
10:00AM  Go Home
12:30PM   Lunch
2:30PM   Back at Airline.

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