Sunday, February 27, 2011

Readings for Feb 27-Mar 5

Readings for Feb 27-Mar 5

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mission Trip [Summer 2011]

I wanted to go ahead and get this post out.  If you're interested in going on the mission trip you need to turn in your $50 deposit and application by March 13.  That night, we will have a Parent & Volunteer meeting at 6PM in the Teen Room.  This is mandatory if you or your child is going on the mission trip.  The trip will be discussed in much more detail along with other upcoming events.  Please make plans to attend.

We are going to Nashville, TN to participate in serving the community there as a part of Nashville Workcamp.

June 4-12 (Saturday to Sunday)

$230 -- covers all your meals and lodging.  If you need anything other than that, bring extra money.

Coming Soon:
$50 deposit due March 13 along with a trip application.  Click here to download a copy.

What we'll be doing: 
We will be painting mostly.  We might be doing some light yard work as well.  And of course, we'll be building relationships inside and outside of our group.
On Saturday, the 11th, we'll be going whitewater rafting on the Ocoee.

Everyone must have a medical release form on file.  Fill this out as soon as possible.  You need it for other things like Paintball and Lock-ins anyhow.

Parent Meeting on March 13 to discuss upcoming events, including the Summer Calendar.  The Mission Trip will also be discussed in detail.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Winter Jam [February 25, 2011]

Winter Jam 2011
Friday, February 25
CenturyTel Center
Doors open at 6PM
Show starts at 7PM
$10 at the door

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Uplift Application and Medical Release Form 2011

This should be turned in with your $100 deposit on February 27, 2011.

Uplift 2011: Release Form, Rules, Dress Code, Packing

Uplift 2011: Epic
June 18-23
Harding University

Remember, your deposit of $100 is due February 27. The total cost is $210.

The Uplift Release Form is now available:

Please access the Release Form, download it, and turn it back in to me along with your deposit.

Dress code:

1. Uplift is a Christian camp and we ask that you be respectful of other campers, counselors, Harding students, employees, and property.
2. Uplift I.D. cards need to be worn at all times. Your I.D. card is your pass to events and meals.
3. Computers, laptops, televisions, radios, video games, and jewelry are not permitted at Uplift. These items can be easily lost or stolen.
4. Possession of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited and will result in immediate expulsion from the camp at parents’ expense.
5. Remain on campus. Being caught off campus without permission will result in immediate expulsion from the camp at parents’ expense.


1. Bible, notebook, pen
2. Bedding (sleeping bag, pillow, sheets, blanket, etc.)
3. Towel and bathing suit
4. Personal hygiene articles (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, deodorant/anti-perspirant, etc.)
5. Clothing appropriate to dress code
Do Not Bring:
1. Computers, laptops, televisions, radios, video games, and jewelry. These items can be easily lost or stolen.
2. Roller blades, skateboards, water guns, water balloons, etc. These items can cause injury to you and others.
3. Tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, and weapons of any kind. Any of these will result in your expulsion from camp.

Parent & Volunteer Meeting [March 13]

There will be a Parent & Volunteer Meeting on March 13 at 6PM.  It will take place after the youth class at 5PM.  Meet in the Teen Room.

This meeting will be to discuss upcoming events and what is going on this Summer.  This includes Uplift and the Mission Trip.  If you or your child is going on the Mission Trip, you must be there.  Please make plans to attend.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Readings for Feb 20-26

Readings for Feb 20-26

Whew!  You made it through Leviticus!  I'll be saying a prayer for everyone as we read through Numbers!  It's going to be tough.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Readings for Feb 13-19

Sorry I'm just now getting this out!  These are the readings for this week starting with last Sunday, February 13.

Readings for Feb 13-19

Day 30 Leviticus 1-3
Day 31 Leviticus 4-6
Day 32 Leviticus 7-9
Day 33 Leviticus 10-12
Day 34 Leviticus 13-15
Day 35 Leviticus 16-18
Day 36 Leviticus 19-21

How is everyone doing with their readings?  I can't believe we're already in Leviticus!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Easter Eggstravaganza [Service Opportunity]

Easter Eggstravaganza!
April 23rd

The Children's ministry is doing their annual Easter shindig and this provides our annual opportunity to help out!  As it gets closer, we'll find out more specifics about how and where we can help. You will get service credits for helping.

As a side note: Someone asked me recently if you needed service credits to go on the mission trip this Summer. The answer is no because those going on the mission trip should already be in the habit of serving. If you are not willing to serve here and now then you are probably not willing to serve elsewhere.

You will need 4 service credits for Uplift. You have plenty of time to get them too.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lunch and a Movie

Lunch and a Movie
On February 27, for those that are interested, we will eat lunch together after church and then come back to the building to watch a movie.  The movie we'll be showing is "To Save a Life."  It deals with suicide, pregnancy, bullying, drinking, and faith.  It is rated PG-13.  For this reason, everyone who will be viewing the movie must have a signed permission slip from a parent/guardian.  I will give permission slips out during class times for those that are interested.

If you are coming, make sure you bring money for lunch and a signed permission slip.

Parents, please follow these links for information concerning the movie before making a decision.

Official "To Save a Life" Movie Website

IMDB - To Save a Life

IMDB - Parental Guide


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Readings for Feb 6-12

Readings for Feb 6-12

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Uplift 2011 [Important Update]

Uplift 2011: June 18-23

Sign-ups for Uplift have started.  Unfortunately, the cost for attending Uplift has gone up slightly.  Normally, a $90 deposit is due in February.  This year, a $100 deposit is due in February.  The total cost is $210.  Sign-ups are a little different this year.  You are not signed up until you pay your deposit. This way there's no confusion about people signing up but not going or people not signing up at all and still wanting to go.

We are attending the second session this year.  I believe that a mission trip (June 5-11) is more important and for us to be able to go on the available mission we must attend the second session of Uplift.  I'm excited that we get to do both this Summer.  We will also still participate in Hub activities with the homeless as well.

You can check out the Uplift website:

We are in the process of recruiting drivers/chaperones now.  If this is you, let it be known.

Remember, money is not an issue.  If you want to be a part of any activity just talk to me or one of the deacons.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

This is a reminder that this Sunday night (Feb. 6th) we will meet at 5PM as regularly scheduled.  Then we will join everyone else in the FLC for a time of family fellowship and spectating.  Bring your favorite snacks and drinks to share!  Pizza will be provided.  Teens, make sure you get a copy of the Super Bowl Quiz!

"Sunday after the 5:00 p.m. service—Fellowship, Food, Fun and Football in the FLC! Bring snacks and drinks, pizza will be provided. Come watch “the game” or play table games and visit."

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