Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lock-in [May 6-7]

Our Start-of-the-Summer Lock-in is an area-wide lock-in this year!  I'm super excited and you should be too!  It's all the fun of last year... MULTIPLIED!

Sign up this week so we can plan accordingly!  And be sure to bring a friend!

Area-wide Lock-in
May 6-7
University Church of Christ

Check out the event on Facebook!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Readings for April 24-30

Readings for April 24-30

Day 100 1 Kings 13-15
Day 101 1 Kings 16-18
Day 102 1 Kings 19-22
Day 103 2 Kings 1-3
Day 104 2 Kings 4-6
Day 105 2 Kings 7-9
Day 106 2 Kings 10-12

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Paintball pictures are up!

Paintball pictures have been posted to Facebook!  Make sure you check them out!  Everyone had a great time and some of us learned that paint doesn't taste very good!  Be sure to tag yourself in the photos too!

Paintball. April 16, 2011.

Pictures are available at the youth kiosk for you to take with you!  Grab 'em while you can!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Readings for April 17-23

Readings for April 17-23

Day 93 2 Samuel 16-18
Day 94 2 Samuel 19-21
Day 95 2 Samuel 22-24
Day 96 1 Kings 1-3
Day 97 1 Kings 4-6
Day 98 1 Kings 7-9
Day 99 1 Kings 10-12

Friday, April 15, 2011

Senior Sunday and Celebration

Senior Sunday and Celebration
May 1, 2011.

During church that morning, we will set aside time to honor our graduating Seniors.  There will be a slideshow chronicling their lives.  Their achievements and future plans will be shared with the congregation and there will be a time of prayer for these students.

That night, we will celebrate with the Seniors in the Small Auditorium (5-7PM).  We will share a meal together along with a time of story-telling and praise.  Come with your greatest memories of these students, ready to share!  Of course, the Seniors will also their opportunity to speak and say whatever is on their heart.  This is always a memorable time.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Readings for April 10-16

Readings for April 10-16

Day 86 1 Samuel 25-27
Day 87 1 Samuel 28-31
Day 88 2 Samuel 1-3
Day 89 2 Samuel 4-6
Day 90 2 Samuel 7-9
Day 91 2 Samuel 10-12
Day 92 2 Samuel 13-15

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Paintball, April 16th

Don't forget we're going to play Paintball on April 16th!  We're going to OFF Limits Paintball.  We'll be playing with other area churches.

Be at the church at 8:00AM on Saturday, April 16th ready to go!

It's $30.  This covers lunch, equipment, and paint.

You will need to fill out a Paintball Waiver to play.  Do not wait until the day of to fill this out.  It won't work.

I also need a Medical Release for the church on file.  If you have not filled one out, you must do this before playing.

We will be back at the church by 5:00PM.

Have questions?  Email
Follow @airlinestudents on Twitter for updates.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Uplift: Money & Forms deadlines have passed

This does not apply to all of you.  If you're not going to Uplift, then you can disregard this post.

Uplift deadlines for money and forms have come and passed.  Your Uplift Release Form was due Sunday.  This is a last call.  Bring your Uplift Release Form on Wednesday, April 5.  I will begin removing you from the list if I do not have your form.

Deadlines for the Mission Trip deposit and application have also passed.  Get these things to me by Sunday, April 10.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Readings for April 3-9

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