Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Uplift 2011: Release Form, Rules, Dress Code, Packing

Uplift 2011: Epic
June 18-23
Harding University

Remember, your deposit of $100 is due February 27. The total cost is $210.

The Uplift Release Form is now available: http://bit.ly/UpliftForm

Please access the Release Form, download it, and turn it back in to me along with your deposit.

Dress code: http://bit.ly/Upliftdresscode

1. Uplift is a Christian camp and we ask that you be respectful of other campers, counselors, Harding students, employees, and property.
2. Uplift I.D. cards need to be worn at all times. Your I.D. card is your pass to events and meals.
3. Computers, laptops, televisions, radios, video games, and jewelry are not permitted at Uplift. These items can be easily lost or stolen.
4. Possession of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited and will result in immediate expulsion from the camp at parents’ expense.
5. Remain on campus. Being caught off campus without permission will result in immediate expulsion from the camp at parents’ expense.


1. Bible, notebook, pen
2. Bedding (sleeping bag, pillow, sheets, blanket, etc.)
3. Towel and bathing suit
4. Personal hygiene articles (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, deodorant/anti-perspirant, etc.)
5. Clothing appropriate to dress code
Do Not Bring:
1. Computers, laptops, televisions, radios, video games, and jewelry. These items can be easily lost or stolen.
2. Roller blades, skateboards, water guns, water balloons, etc. These items can cause injury to you and others.
3. Tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, and weapons of any kind. Any of these will result in your expulsion from camp.

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