Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Senior Sunday [May 1st]

It's that time of year again (well... nearly).  The time that some of you look forward to.  The time that some of you dread.  And the time that some of you are experiencing these emotions at the same time.

However you look at it, I hope it's positive!

Senior Sunday this year will take place on May 1st.  We'll honor the Seniors that morning during service and then celebrate with them that night.

For Seniors and their parents:  this means I need pictures.  The goal is to get 20 pictures for each Senior.  I will use these pictures to make a slideshow to present on Sunday morning.  If they're already digital, that's awesome!  If not, we'll scan them in.

Seniors: I will provide you with an information sheet to fill out.  It will include some basic questions for you to brag on yourself a little.  Then on Sunday morning I'll read these to the congregation.  Also, I will be setting up times with each of you to record your "farewell."  These "farewells" will be compiled into a video that will be shown at the evening celebration.  Start thinking about what you want to say!

Please get your pictures to me as soon as possible.

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