Thursday, September 24, 2009


Family Meeting  9/27 @ 5:30 

I'll be @ the building @ 4:30  for those that want to hang out before the meeting.
Please make plans to be here.  It's important for all parts of the body to be present.

Area-wide @ Minden   October 4th, 5:30-7:30
Meet at the building at 4:45 to carpool!
The last one was awesome!  They only happen once a month!

National Night Out @ Cloverdale   October 6th
Great time for fellowship!  Tremendous way to show love for God and for others!  
Listen for more details.

Discover '09  October 17th
$20 was due last Wednesday!  If you missed it, that's okay.  Try to get your money to me by Sunday night (9/27) so the cost doesn't go up to $25.
You will need $5 for lunch and money (however much you need) for a quick meal on the way back.

Movie Night @ ASM   October 31st
Come to the building on this spooky night and watch a movie with all your friends! Bring $3 for pizza, popcorn, and drinks!

Don't forget about Sky Ranch!  November 14th-15th
Don't want to sign up!  This is the BIGGEST event for the Fall!
Sign-up list is in the FLC!  Release Forms are available online and from me!
Cost is $70

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