Thursday, November 19, 2009

Weekly Updates

  • Originally, there was a Goal-writing Meeting scheduled for this Sunday (Nov. 22nd).  This meeting was intended to finish the goal-writing process that was started a while back.  This meeting has been postponed until a later date.  With the holidays around the corner, it will be hard to get everybody there.  Therefore, it looks like this meeting will be in January at the earliest. 
  • There will be no Sunday night class November 29th!
  • The Red River Rake is Dec 6th.  Students will bring a change of clothes to church that day.  We'll eat lunch together and then we'll get to raking!  We need drivers this day!  The church van is not in good working condition so that will not be option.  This means we need extra help driving!  The area-wide at University CoC will follow the Rake and it will start at 530PM.  
  • The next Bossier Kids Day Out is Saturday, Dec. 12th!  We need everyone's help!
  • I am in the process of planning a Christmas Party.  The original date I had planned doesn't appear that it will work.  I am now looking at the 12th.  Hopefully, we can work it in!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fall Retreat in review

You can text your favorite memory from Sky Ranch to 87884.  Include @wif12160 at the beginning of your message.

Sky Ranch was a blast!  We couldn't have asked for better weather!  Jerry and Dustin shared some awesome stories with us.  Our time around the bonfire was uplifting.  Capture the Flag lasted way too long!  The zipline was exciting.  And everyone was extra NICE!  If you missed it, don't let it happen again!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sky Ranch 2009

More photos here

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Schedule for Sky Ranch 2009

Fall Retreat 2009 Sky Ranch

729-1000AM Depart from ADCOC and make a path for Sky Ranch 
1000AM Unload, Icebreakers, Games 
1145AM Session 1 
1245PM Lunch 
145-215PM Prayer Time
230-630PM Zipline, Pendulum, AND...................... 
645PM Dinner 
745PM Session 2 
900PM Bonfire 
1000PM Capture the Flag 
1200AM Lights Out

845AM Breakfast 
945AM Clean up 
1045AM Session 3/Communion 
1130AM Load up 
1200PM Leave Sky Ranch :(  
1200-300PM Travel and Lunch

Monday, November 9, 2009

New toolbar

You may have noticed the new toolbar on the website.  I just added it today.  It adds a lot more function to the site and more ways to interact.  Use it and enjoy it!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sky Ranch is this weekend!

SKY RANCH is THIS WEEKEND! (14th & 15th)
Are you ready?  Have you paid?  Have you packed?  Have you signed the release forms?
I hope the answer to these questions is YES!--except for the packing (it might be a little early for that).
Get your money to me today!  Get these forms to me today!  Get ready for an AWESOME weekend!

Parent & Youth Meeting  November 22nd
Put it on your calendar!  We'll meet at 5PM in the small auditorium!

"When you are arguing against Him, you are arguing against the very power that makes you able to argue at all."   -C.S. Lewis

Friday, November 6, 2009

Benefit Concert

Among the Thirsty is playing November 21st @ the First Baptist Church in Shreveport @ 7PM.

I'm going.  Let me know if you want to go.  Tickets are $10.

Check out their website to listen and learn more!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Service Credits


I announced last night that
Service credits are required now for events and trips.  The first trip requiring service credits is Winterfest, January 15-17!  (You can sign-up here!)  2 Service Credits are required to attend.

This weekend is the Fall Festival.  Saturday, Nov. 7th, 1-4PM.
This will count as a Service Credit if you come help.

The Red River Rake (Dec. 6th) also counts as a credit.
Bossier Kids Day Out (Dec. 12th) counts as a credit.

Yes, that's THREE opportunities to get 2 service credits.  The odds are in your favor!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I pray that the youth group has unity!  All of you participated in writing letters to the youth group tonight like Paul wrote letters to the churches.  You all shared your love for the group and what the group needs to work on.  I pray that we don't quickly forget these things!

Website Makeover

I just redid the site!  It's now hosted by blogger.  It's a lot easier to manage.  The blog was always on blogger which made things challenging sometimes.  Now it's all together.  Enjoy!

Any ideas?  Just let me know!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Luke 16:19-31

Don't hit the snooze button on God.

Notice the people that are suffering.  Do something to help them.

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