Thursday, November 19, 2009

Weekly Updates

  • Originally, there was a Goal-writing Meeting scheduled for this Sunday (Nov. 22nd).  This meeting was intended to finish the goal-writing process that was started a while back.  This meeting has been postponed until a later date.  With the holidays around the corner, it will be hard to get everybody there.  Therefore, it looks like this meeting will be in January at the earliest. 
  • There will be no Sunday night class November 29th!
  • The Red River Rake is Dec 6th.  Students will bring a change of clothes to church that day.  We'll eat lunch together and then we'll get to raking!  We need drivers this day!  The church van is not in good working condition so that will not be option.  This means we need extra help driving!  The area-wide at University CoC will follow the Rake and it will start at 530PM.  
  • The next Bossier Kids Day Out is Saturday, Dec. 12th!  We need everyone's help!
  • I am in the process of planning a Christmas Party.  The original date I had planned doesn't appear that it will work.  I am now looking at the 12th.  Hopefully, we can work it in!

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