Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Seniors and Parents of Seniors, I need pictures

*UPDATE: 15 to 20 pictures

Senior Sunday this year will take place on May 2nd.  We'll honor the Seniors that morning and then celebrate with them that night.
This means I need pictures!  We will have a slideshow for them that morning.  This slideshow will chronicle their life in (yep, you guessed it...) pictures--from birth (well, maybe just after) to senior year--so collect your favorite pictures.  If they're already digital, that's awesome!  If not, we'll scan them.

There will also be an information sheet to fill out about each senior student.  I'll get that to students/parents as soon as I can.

Please try to get your pictures to me as soon as possible to allow plenty of time to work on the slideshow.

*The location for the celebration that night is TBD.  If you want to host it or have an idea about where to have it, let me know!

(Yes, that is me my senior year of high school.)

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