Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Mission:Here is all about us being aware of what's going on around us and how we respond.  Thursdays in July, starting the 8th, we'll meet together at the church to make PB&J sandwiches.  We'll make two sandwiches for every person.  Then we'll go to downtown Shreveport by the courthouse on Texas Street.  We'll meetup there with other people who have also brought two lunches.  We'll be taking these sandwiches to people that are hungry.  Having two sandwiches, we'll not only feed somebody, but we'll be able to eat with them.  We'll be able to build relationships and share stories.  This is an exciting opportunity to go beyond what we're used to.

If you can bring peanut butter, jelly, bread, or all three to help out that would be great!  You may already have some of this stuff lying around.  If you don't eat PB&J, that's okay.  Bring what you do eat and bring an extra of that to share.  That way people don't think we're too good to eat the stuff we're giving them because we're not.

July 8, 15, 22, 29
11:30AM - 3:00PM
Sign up on Facebook to let me know you're coming.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Canoe and Camping Trip

The Canoe Trip will take place July 9-11.

We'll leave Friday morning at 6AM and return Sunday at 6PM.  These times are subject to change.
This trip is a combination of canoeing and camping.  We will canoe for half a day on Friday, the whole day Saturday, and half a day Sunday.  Friday and Saturday nights we will camp in tents along the bank of the river.  Canoes will hold two people plus all of your belongings.  Do not overpack, your partner may not appreciate it.  Choose your partner wisely.

We are canoeing the Buffalo River in the area of St. Joe, AR.  Our canoes will be rented from Buffalo River Outfitters.  The cost will be $50, plus your supplies and food.  Also, we will have lunch (Friday) before we get on the river and lunch (Sunday) when we take out.

Supplies: (Find friends and relatives that already own this stuff and just borrow it!)
  1. Waterproof Bag (they're usually bright yellow. Wal-mart had them last time I checked)
  2. Shoes for the river (watershoes, tough sandals, old tennis shoes, etc.  Flip-flops will not work)
  3. Ice chest (It's a good idea to share with your partner)
  4. Tent (also good to share, as long as you're the same gender)
  5. Tarp (good to put under your tent and good for those tents that aren't completely waterproof)
  6. Sleeping bag (It will be hot, but you'll want something to cover up with at times)
  7. Swimsuit (1 or 2, personal preference.  Make sure it's modest)
  8. Clothes to sleep, chill in.  (For when we're not on the river.)
  9. Garbage Bag (for trash)
  10. Eating Utensils 
  11. Plate (I've used a frisbee in the past.  It's light and doubles as... a frisbee)
  12. Sunscreen
  13. Shade Hat
  14. Chair (Nice to have when sitting around the fire and such)
  15. Towel(s)
  16. Bug Spray
  17. Flashlight

  1. Toothbrush and paste (We won't neglect our hygiene just because we're roughing it)
  2. Deodorant
  3. Soap and shampoo
  4. Some people have said they're going to bring baby-wipes to clean with.  If you can handle that, go for it.  I can't.
  5. Toilet paper 
  6. Perfume Attracts bugs!

Food: Completely up to you.  Some ideas...
  1. Pop-tarts (Great for morning)
  2. Beef jerky (Snack)
  3. I grill a couple of hamburgers (2 dinners), freeze them in foil, pack them in my ice chest and then heat them over the fire.  I usually bring buns and ketchup.
  4. Saltine crackers.  
  5. Powerade & Water.  I avoid soft drinks and so should you.
  6. Boiled peanuts in a can. These work great when we stop for lunch.
  7. I've taken vienna sausage before, sardineschicken of the sea (it's in a bag--I don't really remember the name, I just know I get chicken, not tuna).  These are all great and go well with crackers.
  8. Peanut butter & Jelly + Bread
There will be a fire at night, unless it rains a lot.  I will add to this list if I need to so check back every-so-often.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me or call me.  I'm really excited about this trip and I'm looking forward to making some great memories.

As always, you cannot go without filling out a Medical Release Form and turning it in to me.

Monday, June 21, 2010

How to receive updates straight to your phone

Parents and students,

Sometimes things happen spontaneously. Sometimes they're planned. Sometimes we forget either way. Here's a way to help that.

Anytime the blog is updated, a notification is sent through Twitter. Anytime something happens spontaneously, I send an update through Twitter. It's easy to view these tweets on Twitter or right here on the website.

Now it's even easier to stay in the loop! By simply texting "FOLLOW airlinestudents" to 40404 from your mobile phone, you will receive all of these updates directly to your phone. Pretty cool if you ask me. So go ahead and give it a try if you want!

You can also become a fan of Airline Student Ministry on Facebook by texting "fan airlinestudentministry" to 32665.

Hope this helps!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Uplift: Packing List, Rules, Dress code

UPDATE: Make sure you bring money for 2 lunches--one during the trip there, and one on the way back.

Before we get to the good stuff remember that if you violate any of these things, your parents and Pres. Obama will be called. Your parents or Obama will pick you up from camp and we will carry on without you.

While you're packing, there are some important things to remember.
1. Do not violate the dress code.
2. It will be hot.
3. It may rain.
4. There is free time everyday where you have the option to get hot and sweaty.
5. Bring clothes to get hot and sweaty in.
7. You are required to shower daily.




1. Bible, notebook, pen
2. Bedding (sleeping bag, pillow, sheets, blanket, etc.)
3. Towel and bathing suit
4. Personal hygiene articles (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, deodorant/anti-perspirant, etc.)
5. Clothing appropriate to dress code
Do Not Bring:
1. Computers, laptops, televisions, radios, video games, and jewelry. These items can be easily lost or stolen.
2. Roller blades, skateboards, water guns, water balloons, etc. These items can cause injury to you and others.
3. Tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, and weapons of any kind. Any of these will result in your expulsion from camp.


1. Uplift is a Christian camp and we ask that you be respectful of other campers, counselors, Harding students, employees, and property.
2. Uplift I.D. cards need to be worn at all times. Your I.D. card is your pass to events and meals.
3. Computers, laptops, televisions, radios, video games, and jewelry are not permitted at Uplift. These items can be easily lost or stolen.
4. Possession of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited and will result in immediate expulsion from the camp at parents’ expense.
5. Remain on campus. Being caught off campus without permission will result in immediate expulsion from the camp at parents’ expense.


Modesty is important and, because of this, we have a few rules concerning our dress code:
1. Don’t bring clothing without sleeves (guys and girls). You will not be allowed to wear it under any circumstances, including recreation time. Inappropriate clothing for Uplift includes any sleeveless apparel, (for example, sundresses, tank tops, sleeveless blouses, athletic shirts, and cut-off T-shirts) and clothing that exposes any part of the mid-section when standing, sitting, or bending over. All tops should be long enough to be tucked in.
2. Shorts may be worn, but they must be modest length. At Uplift, we define “modest” as those shorts which are below the fingertips when standing straight, arms to the side. This length applies to athletic shorts as well.
3. Skin tight clothing (tops, spandex, tight jeans, etc.) halter tops, or otherwise revealing clothing are inappropriate for Uplift and are to be left at home. Young ladies are asked not to bring any low-cut shirts/tops.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Uplift is upon us

Uplift is June 12-17.

By now, you should have all of your money into me and possibly be packing your suitcase!

We're leaving Saturday, June 12 at 9:30AM.  Seriously.

We'll be back Thursday, June 17 at 2:00PM.

Bring money for lunch on the way there and way back (2 lunches). Also, there will be snacks you can buy while at Harding along with pizzas at night if you want them.

The full schedule can be downloaded.

Dress code.

If you're wondering anything else, contact me or check out Uplift's website.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The first ULTIMATE! day of the Summer is June 8, 6-8PM.

In case you're wondering what Ultimate is, it's like soccer/hockey/football but with a Frisbee AND no violence.

Our time will not be limited to Frisbee.

We'll meet at the FLC and play in the field behind it.

The other scheduled dates are July 6, and 20.  These are the official dates but we are not limited to these.  If you have free time then chances are someone else does too!  Spread the word and we'll hang out.

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