Mission:Here is all about us being aware of what's going on around us and how we respond. Thursdays in July, starting the 8th, we'll meet together at the church to make PB&J sandwiches. We'll make two sandwiches for every person. Then we'll go to downtown Shreveport by the courthouse on Texas Street. We'll meetup there with other people who have also brought two lunches. We'll be taking these sandwiches to people that are hungry. Having two sandwiches, we'll not only feed somebody, but we'll be able to eat with them. We'll be able to build relationships and share stories. This is an exciting opportunity to go beyond what we're used to.
If you can bring peanut butter, jelly, bread, or all three to help out that would be great! You may already have some of this stuff lying around. If you don't eat PB&J, that's okay. Bring what you do eat and bring an extra of that to share. That way people don't think we're too good to eat the stuff we're giving them because we're not.
July 8, 15, 22, 29
11:30AM - 3:00PM
Sign up on Facebook to let me know you're coming.