Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Retreat 2010

It's time again for our annual Fall Retreat!  Our theme this year is "How to Survive a Zombie Attack."  I know you're wondering what in the world that has to do with anything.  I could tell you right now but that would spoil some of the fun!  You'll have to come to find out!

We're heading back to Sky Ranch!  The cost is $70.  You can sign up in the Teen Room.  Sign up by October 27.  Your money is due November 3rd.  This guarantees your t-shirt and your seat on the van.  Don't let anything stop you from coming!

Everyone going must fill out a Medical Release Form and a Sky Ranch Participant Agreement.  Click on the links to access.

If you can't see the video above, click here to watch it in another window.

Think you know who the Zombies are?  Send your answers on Facebook or email.  All correct entries will be entered into a drawing to win a prize.  Winner will be selected at Sky Ranch!

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