Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mark your Calendars

Here is what's coming up in 2010!  Of course there's more to come!

Winterfest in Arlington.  Jan 15-17

Area-wide Game Day.  Feb 20

30 Hour Famine Retreat.  Mar 12-14

Paintball vs. SoHills vs. Univ.  April 17

End-of-school Lock-in.  May 28

Uplift.  June 12-17

More information will come as I get it.  Sign-up for Uplift will begin soon.  This is so we can get into the first session.
As always, if you have any ideas, share them!  What do you want this year to look like?  Let me know!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bringin' in 2010!

We're bringin' in 2010 together!

Bring your favorite game, snack, drink, and friend to the FLC Thursday night.

We'll play games and munch on food.

Dec. 31st

We'll start things off at 9PM and wrap up at 1AM!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Harvest of Hope Holiday Baskets

If you are interested in getting involved, there are many opportunities to help out.  Please read the needs and timeline below!

Saturday, December 19 - We will be picking up the remaining food items from Super 1 Foods on Airline Drive at 10:30am Saturday morning.  We need 2 or 3 pickup trucks (and drivers!) to help get everything back to the church.  We will also need help unloading the food, setting up the holiday basket assembly line in the FLC, and setting up tables and chairs in preparation for Sunday.

Sunday, December 20 -  Harvest of Hope will be hosting an Airline Holiday Potluck in the FLC immediately after services.  We hope the entire congregation will join us for food, fun and fellowship while we all put the holiday baskets together.  PLEASE bring your favorite holiday casserole or food item to share!  You can drop it off in the FLC kitchen and Holly will oversee the reheating and set up of food items.

Tuesday, December 22 -  The Big Day!  We will be delivering the food baskets to Meadowview Elementary for families to pick up.  We will again need pickup trucks or a trailer to take the baskets to the school, and also help loading them.  Additionally, we need volunteers to deliver some baskets to the shut-ins from our congregation.  This would be a great opportunity for your family or small group to brighten someone's day!  We will be meeting at the church building at 7am to begin loading up.  The plan is to unload the baskets in the Meadowview Elementary gym by 8am.  We will then hand out the baskets from 8am – Noon on Tues.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Food organizing party!

There is a Food Organizing Party in the FLC tonight at 6PM!

Word on the street is that there's going to be pizza

Come out and help get this food organized so the holiday baskets can be made!

If you still need service credits (or just want more) then this is the perfect opportunity!!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mid-week update

The student ministry Christmas Party is Dec. 20th!  That's this Sunday!!
It's at the Jordans' from 5-730PM.  We'll play Dirty Santa and eat together.

So far only ONE person has signed up for Winterfest!  Click here to sign up right now!  Remember you can pay online too.  Payment for Winterfest is due Dec. 30th.  That's a Wednesday.  Talk to me if this is a problem.  You need 2 service credits to go to Winterfest.  If this is a problem (and I know it is) then talk to me.  You still have options.  There is always service to be done ;)
Winterfest is Jan. 15-17.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winterfest info

Winterfest is going to be here before you know it!

This year, sign-ups for Winterfest are ONLY online.  If this is a problem, let me know.  I will also try to have a laptop in the classroom so you can still sign up at church if need be.

The sign-up page can be found here.  The schedule while we are there is on that page too.  You'll see some of the speakers and entertainment for the weekend on that schedule.

Winterfest is $70.  Payment is due on the 30th of December.  That's a Wednesday.  Of course, you can get the money to me before then (that would be awesome)!  If this is a problem let me know (as always)!  I want everyone to be able to go and money should not be an issue!

There are a limited number of spots so don't waste any time!

Also, 2 service credits are required to go to Winterfest.  If anyone is in danger of not being able to go, talk to me!

Want to pay online?  Click here.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bossier Kids Day Out

The last Bossier Kids Day Out for this year is December 12th! We need all of you there! And some of you still need the service credit!

I'll order some pizza for lunch! Please don't pass up this opportunity to serve. This allows parents to get some Christmas shopping done (this may include your parents)!

Saturday, Dec. 12th.  12-350PM.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Party

The Student Ministry Christmas Party is Dec. 20th

It will be at the Jordans' from 5-730PM.

We'll play Dirty Santa.  Don't spend more than $5 on a "gift."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Winterfest 2010 Promo

Red River Rake 2009

Red River Rake is this Sunday (Dec. 6th)!

Here's what you need to know:

1.  Bring $5 for your Red River Rake t-shirt
2.  You need to bring a change of clothes to church. You will be raking in these. It will be cold so dress accordingly. Watch the weather!
3.  We will eat together after church so bring money to eat.
4.  After we eat, we will rake!
5.  We will make 4 or 5 stops.
6.  We will head to University CoC by 530PM for the area-wide.
7.  We will eat dinner there and be done by 900PM.
8.  Therefore, we will be back at Airline by 930PM.

1.  Bring a change of clothes to church. I will have the Red River Rake shirts and they are long sleeve.
2.  Bring a rake.
3.  Bring money for lunch.
4.  Bring $5 for the shirt.
5.  Back at Airline @ 930PM.
6.  Do your homework on Saturday.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Weekly Updates

  • Originally, there was a Goal-writing Meeting scheduled for this Sunday (Nov. 22nd).  This meeting was intended to finish the goal-writing process that was started a while back.  This meeting has been postponed until a later date.  With the holidays around the corner, it will be hard to get everybody there.  Therefore, it looks like this meeting will be in January at the earliest. 
  • There will be no Sunday night class November 29th!
  • The Red River Rake is Dec 6th.  Students will bring a change of clothes to church that day.  We'll eat lunch together and then we'll get to raking!  We need drivers this day!  The church van is not in good working condition so that will not be option.  This means we need extra help driving!  The area-wide at University CoC will follow the Rake and it will start at 530PM.  
  • The next Bossier Kids Day Out is Saturday, Dec. 12th!  We need everyone's help!
  • I am in the process of planning a Christmas Party.  The original date I had planned doesn't appear that it will work.  I am now looking at the 12th.  Hopefully, we can work it in!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fall Retreat in review

You can text your favorite memory from Sky Ranch to 87884.  Include @wif12160 at the beginning of your message.

Sky Ranch was a blast!  We couldn't have asked for better weather!  Jerry and Dustin shared some awesome stories with us.  Our time around the bonfire was uplifting.  Capture the Flag lasted way too long!  The zipline was exciting.  And everyone was extra NICE!  If you missed it, don't let it happen again!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sky Ranch 2009

More photos here

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Schedule for Sky Ranch 2009

Fall Retreat 2009 Sky Ranch

729-1000AM Depart from ADCOC and make a path for Sky Ranch 
1000AM Unload, Icebreakers, Games 
1145AM Session 1 
1245PM Lunch 
145-215PM Prayer Time
230-630PM Zipline, Pendulum, AND...................... 
645PM Dinner 
745PM Session 2 
900PM Bonfire 
1000PM Capture the Flag 
1200AM Lights Out

845AM Breakfast 
945AM Clean up 
1045AM Session 3/Communion 
1130AM Load up 
1200PM Leave Sky Ranch :(  
1200-300PM Travel and Lunch

Monday, November 9, 2009

New toolbar

You may have noticed the new toolbar on the website.  I just added it today.  It adds a lot more function to the site and more ways to interact.  Use it and enjoy it!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sky Ranch is this weekend!

SKY RANCH is THIS WEEKEND! (14th & 15th)
Are you ready?  Have you paid?  Have you packed?  Have you signed the release forms?
I hope the answer to these questions is YES!--except for the packing (it might be a little early for that).
Get your money to me today!  Get these forms to me today!  Get ready for an AWESOME weekend!

Parent & Youth Meeting  November 22nd
Put it on your calendar!  We'll meet at 5PM in the small auditorium!

"When you are arguing against Him, you are arguing against the very power that makes you able to argue at all."   -C.S. Lewis

Friday, November 6, 2009

Benefit Concert

Among the Thirsty is playing November 21st @ the First Baptist Church in Shreveport @ 7PM.

I'm going.  Let me know if you want to go.  Tickets are $10.

Check out their website to listen and learn more!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Service Credits


I announced last night that
Service credits are required now for events and trips.  The first trip requiring service credits is Winterfest, January 15-17!  (You can sign-up here!)  2 Service Credits are required to attend.

This weekend is the Fall Festival.  Saturday, Nov. 7th, 1-4PM.
This will count as a Service Credit if you come help.

The Red River Rake (Dec. 6th) also counts as a credit.
Bossier Kids Day Out (Dec. 12th) counts as a credit.

Yes, that's THREE opportunities to get 2 service credits.  The odds are in your favor!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I pray that the youth group has unity!  All of you participated in writing letters to the youth group tonight like Paul wrote letters to the churches.  You all shared your love for the group and what the group needs to work on.  I pray that we don't quickly forget these things!

Website Makeover

I just redid the site!  It's now hosted by blogger.  It's a lot easier to manage.  The blog was always on blogger which made things challenging sometimes.  Now it's all together.  Enjoy!

Any ideas?  Just let me know!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Luke 16:19-31

Don't hit the snooze button on God.

Notice the people that are suffering.  Do something to help them.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Don't forget!

Did you know that these posts can come straight to your inbox?  Enter your email address in the box on the right and click on subscribe!  It's that easy--------------------->

Are you on Facebook?  All of these events can be seen here!

And the calendar is always right here!

Don't forget!  Fall Retreat is almost here!  Seriously, like 2 weeks.  That's nothing!  If you want to go it's not too late!  Sign-up ASAP!  If you already know you're going, I need your money!  :)

This sunday night is the area-wide and it's here!  Just come to church like you normally do except thirty minutes earlier!

The Fall Festival is November 7th!  We really need you guys to be a part of this!  And someone told me that wet sponges are going to be thrown at my face?!

Thanksgiving will be here soon too!  Time flies when you're having fun!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Get Acquainted Day is cancelled

Unfortunately, the Get Acquainted Day has been cancelled for reasons beyond our control.  Thus there is not organized activities this Saturday.

Nikki and I will be watching Hocus Pocus Saturday night in our dwelling place if anyone wants to join us!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Retreat '09


Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Get Acquainted Day"

We are no longer doing National Night Out on November 3rd.  Instead, we are going to have a "Get Acquainted Day" at Cloverdale Apartments on October 31st.  This will take place from 12-3PM.  We will grill hotdogs, have chips and cookies, and candy treats for the kids.  Costumes are a plus+!  There will be face painting, pumpkin painting, and games.  This will take the place of the previously scheduled Movie Night.  And since it's during the day, activities that night will not get in the way!  Now that's great news!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mercy Me, Fee, & Jonny Diaz

Anyone interested?  I would like to see Fee live.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Student Ministry Kick-off Meeting!

There is a STUDENT MINISTRY KICK-OFF MEETING immediately after church
on Sunday, October 25. This is for parents AND students AND
volunteers! Please come be a part of this! Lunch and entertainment
will be provided!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Schedule for this weekend

Discover '09 - "Greater Things"

Saturday, October 17th  
(Ouachita Christian School - 7065 Highway 165 North, Monroe, LA)

7:22 AM – Leave Airline Drive and set a course for Monroe!
9:00 AM – Praise and Worship - Watershed 
9:40 AM – Lesson #2 - Dusty Rush  
10:15 AM – Classes 
11:00 AM – Praise and Worship - Watershed 
11:30 AM – Lesson #3 - Patrick Mead  
12:00 PM – Lunch - $5 Hamburger Meal Deal at the Youth Rally 
1:30 PM – Praise and Worship - Watershed 
1:45 PM – Classes 
2:30 PM – Praise and Worship - Watershed 
4:00 PM – Break 
6:30 PM – Doors Open 
7:00 PM – Watershed in Concert - Patrick Mead
8:15 PM – Leave Monroe and set a course for Airline Drive
8:30 PM – Grab a quick bite
10:00 PM – Arrive back at Airline
11:00 PM – In bed resting for Church the next morning :) 

Friday, October 9, 2009

you may have heard...

that I will cut my hair if we have 20 students come to Cloverdale on November 3rd for National Night Out!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

National Night Out POSTPONED

The National Night Out with Cloverdale has been Postponed due to weather.  It will be rescheduled for Tuesday, November 3 from 6-9pm.  We are waiting for approval to have a Trunk or Treat on October 31st at Cloverdale, and will let everyone know once we receive the go ahead.  In light of the recent events, we will cancel our normal Wednesday meeting and reconvene on Wed. Oct 14.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Harvest of Hope

Harvest of Hope  
      Community Outreach Ministry 

Don’t Forget— 
This Tuesday Night, October 6th
National Night Out at Cloverdale Plaza Apts.
2213 Shed Road, Bossier City
6:00-9:00 p.m. All helpers, please be there at 5:00 to set up and get instructions.  (Additional parking is across the street at the ballpark.)  Wear your H of H Tee Shirt, and please don’t leave your smile at home! This is a great opportunity to plant the seeds of hope and friendship to the residents there. See Derek or Holly Schreiber for more information. See you there!              

Thursday, October 1, 2009

area-wide this sunday is cancelled

the area-wide this sunday @ minden is cancelled because of things unforeseen.  

instead, we'll meet at the building @ 6PM for our regular get-together!

Get updates straight to your inbox!

Simply send an email to and BAM!  You get your updates!  I know, it sounds too easy!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Facebook Page

There is now an official Airline Student Ministry facebook page!

Check it out!  Upcoming events are posted!

Don't forget to follow airlinestudents on twitter!  You can sign up to receive updates straight to your phone!

(click on the yellow words to take you to the respective pages!)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Family Meeting  9/27 @ 5:30 
I'll be @ the building @ 4:30  for those that want to hang out before the meeting.
Please make plans to be here.  It's important for all parts of the body to be present.

Area-wide @ Minden   October 4th, 5:30-7:30
Meet at the building at 4:45 to carpool!
The last one was awesome!  They only happen once a month!

National Night Out @ Cloverdale   October 6th
Great time for fellowship!  Tremendous way to show love for God and for others!  
Listen for more details.

Discover '09  October 17th
$20 was due last Wednesday!  If you missed it, that's okay.  Try to get your money to me by Sunday night (9/27) so the cost doesn't go up to $25.
You will need $5 for lunch and money (however much you need) for a quick meal on the way back.

Movie Night @ ASM   October 31st
Come to the building on this spooky night and watch a movie with all your friends! Bring $3 for pizza, popcorn, and drinks!

Don't forget about Sky Ranch!  November 14th-15th
Don't want to sign up!  This is the BIGGEST event for the Fall!
Sign-up list is in the FLC!  Release Forms are available online and from me!
Cost is $70

Medical Release Authorization Form

Medical Release Authorization Form

Everyone participating in youth events must fill out this form and turn it in.

It is good for one year following date of completion.  In the header you will see "Effective Dates:"  Fill in the beginning year to the ending year (i.e., 2011-2012).

In the consent you will see two blanks that allow for the same input:
"___________________________________has my permission to attend all youth activities sponsored by the Airline Drive Church of Christ from _________________ to ______________ ."
The first blank is for the student's name.  The second two are for the dates (i.e., 2011 to 2012).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Congratulations Zac!

Make sure you give Zac a hug next time you see him!  Last night he was buried in Christ and raised through Christ in baptism!  What an awesome moment that was!

Do everything you can to love God and love others!

Sky Ranch Release Form

Sky Ranch Release Form

Everyone going to Sky Ranch must fill out this form.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

post-game; reminder

Area-wide was a lot of fun with Southern Hills and University...
not sure what happened to Minden--maybe next time.

Don't forget!  Money is due Wednesday for Discover '09.  

That's so wrong!
That's the ongoing theme for the area-wides this Fall.
People do things that make us (want to) say "that's so wrong!"
Unfortunately, we can be the ones doing these things sometimes.  We have to avoid falling into the trap of thinking we're exempt from doing things that are "so wrong."  (Is that sentence weird?  I keep re-reading it but I can't figure it out.)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

the Human Knot

the Prom Project

the prom project:
You looked great wearing feel great sharing it!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Area-wide @ Southern Hills

Area-wide this Sunday night (9/20) at Southern Hills.
530-730 PM

9080 Southwood Drive
Shreveport, LA  71118

If you need/want a ride, meet at the building @ 445 PM.

Service Day @ Bossier Kids Home!

Bring your spirit of service and your rake!

We will gather @ 640 N. Willow Circle, Bossier  from 12-3 PM on Saturday Sept. 19.

We will rake our little hearts out.  

There may even be popsicles.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Luke 5:1-11

Would you take your boat out again for a man you didn't know?

Would you cast your net again for a man you didn't know?

Would you leave everything and follow a man you didn't know?

Real-time message board

Text @wif11767 + your message to 87884

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Service Day @ Bossier Kids Home
Saturday, September 19
12 PM
640 N Willow Circle, Bossier

Area-Wide @ Southern Hills
"Thats so wrong!"
Sunday, September 20
530-730 PM

Discover '09 @ Forsythe Ave CoC
Saturday, October 17
$20 due Sep 23
Monroe, LA

Fall Retreat '09 @ Sky Ranch
November 14-15
More details coming soon.

Sign-ups for Discover and the Fall Retreat are on the bulletin board
in the FLC.

*Everyone is required to fill out a medical release form to
participate in youth group activities.

**Sky Ranch has a separate release form. So if you're attending the
fall retreat @ sky ranch I'll need 2 different release forms from you!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sunday Night!

I'm thinking game night this Sunday. It's labor day weekend. We should
do something fun. Any takers?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Greater Things"

"Greater Things Have Yet To Come" is the theme for Discover '09

It's taking place Oct 16-18.  We will be there for the festivities on Oct 17.  It is sponsored by the Forsythe Avenue Church of Christ in Monroe, LA.  Therefore, we'll simply leave Saturday morning and come back Saturday night.  That way we do not have overnight expenses and athletes and band members can get some rest Friday night after their games.

Cost is $20 if you have your money turned in by Wednesday, Sep 23.  Make checks payable to "Discover Youth Rally."

I've heard great things about this conference and apparently it gets better every year.

Discover '09 Poster

Discover '09 Schedule

Friday, August 28, 2009

upcoming events

Ultimate Frisbee this Saturday, August 29  1-3 PM

Area-Wide @ Southern Hills
Sunday, September 20
530-730 PM

Discover '09--"Greater Things"
Youth Conference, Saturday, Oct 17 in Monroe
$20 by Wednesday, September 23

Sky Ranch is coming...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Photos on Facebook

If you want to see more of what we do, become a fan of Airline Student Ministry on Facebook.  Or go straight to our photos.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Facebook Connect

I'm trying this stuff out...


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When do we meet?

Sunday morning:

Sunday night:

Wednesday night:

You can connect with us through these:


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