Sunday, March 27, 2011

Readings for March 27-April 2

Readings for March 27-April 2

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Father & Son Bonfire

Guys, don't forget about the Father & Son Bonfire this weekend!  This is open to ALL GUYS!

It's Saturday (March 26) at 5PM.

Who doesn't love a good bonfire?  It's the perfect time of year.

If you're going you need to let me know and I will give you the information.  They need to know ASAP how many people are coming so they know how much food to get.

Email me or Facebook me for info and directions.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Readings for Mar 20-26

Readings for Mar 20-26

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Parent & Volunteer Meeting Follow-up

Last Sunday, we met to discuss what events were coming up, our Summer travel plans, and what the ministry needs from you.  With our new insurance in effect, all volunteers are required to fill out a Volunteer Application, sign it, and turn it in.  Also, the insurance company must have a copy of drivers licenses for everyone who will be driving.

Items discussed at the meeting:

Guys Camping Trip/Girls Night in place of a trip to Six Flags during Spring Break.  We need a host home for the girls and we are working on a location for the guy.

Paintball was originally planned for April 16.  There is a conflict though with Byrd High School prom and as a result, the date may be changed.

Senior Sunday is May 1st.  I need about 20 pictures from parents and info from Seniors.  I will also be setting up times to record a video of them saying their farewells.

Area-wide Lock-in will be May 6 and 7.  We'll need chaperones to be with students and be extra eyes.

New Class.  Starting March 20, we will start a 4-week class on digging into relationships and what they mean for us.  Since things like homosexuality and pornography will be discussed, there is a separate class for 6th and 7th graders.  Click here to find out more.

Mission Trip to Nashville Workcamp.  We will be whitewater rafting on the Ocoee.  Your $50 deposit and application were due March 13 so please get this in ASAP.  We still need volunteers to go with us.  There is a reduced cost for Adults.

Uplift is June 18-23.  Your $100 deposit is overdue.  Get that in along with your Uplift Release Form.  The additional $110 is due May 8th.

Mission:Here.  Last year we were able to have lunch with the Homeless in downtown Shreveport every Thursday in July.  I hope to be able to do this again.  We will also have an opportunity to partner with our own Lunch Kitchen and Community Garden.

Upcoming class

Starting this Sunday, we will begin a 4-week series that will dig deeper into relationships, the way we think, and how to honor God.

This class could be described as a class on sexuality, but it is not a Sex Education class or a True Love Waits class.  Students should have the "sex talk" with their parents.  I have no doubt that sex will come up in our discussions based on the issues we will talk about.  Also, sex should only be between a husband and wife and that is where we stand [we just aren't using True Love Waits "curriculum"].

We will discuss homosexuality, pornography, dating, and relationships.  What are guys/girls thinking?  How are things perceived differently among genders?  Etc.  Some things are well suited to be taught in a mixed gender setting while discussion will most often be set up in a single gender setting.

Parents, grandparents, guardians, volunteers, you are welcome to sit in on these classes.  That goes for all of our classes.  And, of course, if something is put on your heart to share then I encourage you to do so.

There will be a separate 6th and 7th grade class during these four weeks.  If you want your child to be a part of the 8th-12th grade class then you can choose that and let me know.  If you want your child to be a part of the 6th-7th grade class then that is also an option.  If I do not hear from you, then this is how it will remain.

This is a great opportunity for high schoolers to find out some answers to questions they're asking.  You don't want to miss out on this!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Readings for Mar 13-19

Readings for Mar 13-19

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Senior Sunday [May 1st]

It's that time of year again (well... nearly).  The time that some of you look forward to.  The time that some of you dread.  And the time that some of you are experiencing these emotions at the same time.

However you look at it, I hope it's positive!

Senior Sunday this year will take place on May 1st.  We'll honor the Seniors that morning during service and then celebrate with them that night.

For Seniors and their parents:  this means I need pictures.  The goal is to get 20 pictures for each Senior.  I will use these pictures to make a slideshow to present on Sunday morning.  If they're already digital, that's awesome!  If not, we'll scan them in.

Seniors: I will provide you with an information sheet to fill out.  It will include some basic questions for you to brag on yourself a little.  Then on Sunday morning I'll read these to the congregation.  Also, I will be setting up times with each of you to record your "farewell."  These "farewells" will be compiled into a video that will be shown at the evening celebration.  Start thinking about what you want to say!

Please get your pictures to me as soon as possible.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Readings for Mar 6-12

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